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September 18, 2008

AcrySof phakic lens receives European Approval

Alcon introduced its new phakic Intraocular Lens at this week's European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery in Berlin.  This lens is an anterior chamber IOL that sits in front of the iris.  It is used to treat nearsightedness.  It offers the advantage of being a reversible procedure and having the ability to treat many patients who have been deemed poor LASIK candidates.  It can also treat patients who require stronger prescriptions than can be treated with LASIK.  This lens is only available overseas at this time as it is awaiting FDA approval.

The Acrysof Phakic lens joins two other phakic IOLs that already have FDA approval:  





EyeCare 20/20 has been implanting both phakic IOLs since their FDA approval several years ago.  Results have been excellent, with generally an improvement of vision as compared to vision with glasses before the surgery.  With the impending FDA approval of the new Acrysof, we anticipate adding this new lens to our refractive strategies.


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May be slightly off topic but I am beginning to really lose all faith and credibility in the FDA. It seems to me that instead of focusing their efforts on protecting the general public they are in-turn being influenced by corporate agenda and special interest. I take everything they say with a grain of salt.

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