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June 01, 2009

Kristi Leskinen has LASIK at EyeCare 20/20


Kristi Leskinen, one of the top freestyle skiers in the world, made the trip to New Jersey to have her LASIK surgery at EyeCare 20/20 today.


According to Kristi's blog:

Kristi Leskinen is one of the world’s top freeskiers, constantly pushing the limits of the sport. As a headliner, Leskinen shoulders the responsibility of bringing freeskiing – women’s freeskiing in particular – out from under the shadow of more established action sports to receive the respect and exposure it deserves.

At her first US Open, Leskinen was the only woman doing the Big Air event and one of only a handful of participants in the women’s run on the pipe. In 2004, little
more than five years later, the US Open hosted the largest women’s superpipe contest in the world, with forty athletes vying for the championship.

Savvy enough to realize that videos reach a larger audience than any single competition, Kristi films all over the world. Each year she pushes her skills and creativity further, with the goal of laying down her best footage yet. The exposure Leskinen lends the sport in top-selling ski videos and as a product spokesperson has played a big role in creating a buzz around the sport of freeskiing.

Kristi's LASIK went perfectly today.  On this video, Kristi discusses her preoperative expectations of her upcoming LASIK surgery.


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