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November 18, 2009

Pole Vaulter Melinda Owen Joins LASIK for the Gold


Olympic hopeful pole vaulter, Melinda Owen, traveled to New Jersey this week from the Olympic Training Center in Chula Vista, California to get LASIK.  Hailing from Montana, one wouldn't expect Melinda to be such a proficient pole vaulter.  She was a 2007 NCAA All- American while attending Idaho.  Melinda placed 10th at the Olympic Trials and took a Bronze Metal at the 2009 National Indoor Championships. 

"From the mountains of Flathead Valley to the always sunny San Diego I am continuing my passion and dream of competing at the 2012 Olympic Games in London England!"

In this video, Melinda discusses the problems she has competing with contact lenses.  Our goal, eliminate that problem and help Melinda achieve her dream of competing in London in 2012!


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