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April 12, 2010

Patients Blogging About Their LASIK Experiences

When people are contemplating getting LASIK surgery, they often have many questions about the LASIK experience.  Word of mouth certainly accounts for most of our LASIK referrals here at EyeCare 20/20.  We often post our patients experiences through the video testimonial category of this blog and on our YouTube page.  There are also web sites out there where people talk about LASIK experiences. (Although th LASIK testimonial Blog follows my twitter feed, I have no affiliation with it.)

Howard Yermish is an online marketing strtategist.  I have used him to help get two of my sites , LASIK the Refs and LASIK for the Gold, up and running.  After working with me for the past year, Howard decided he too could benefit from LASIK surgery.  He decided to blog about his own LASIK experience.  Here is a video from his blog discussing why he decided to have LASIK.


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