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April 06, 2010

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men

 2010-04-05 USA Bob_CMS18472010-04-04

Today was an exciting day here at EyeCare 20/20.  We were fortunate to host the olympic Bronze Medal USA Bobsled team of Erin Pac and Elana Meyers.  They were in town for two reasons. 

First, they were here to let the public get a look at their Bronze Medals, sign autographed pictures, and talk about their Olympic experiences.  About 100 people came in to take advantage of this unique opportunity.  I posted photos of the event on our Flickr site.

Second, Elana was in town to join Erin as a member of the LASIK for the Gold team.  Before an athlete can qualify for LASIK for the Gold, we have them get some preliminary testing at home so that I can review the results.  If everything looks OK, they are scheduled to come to New Jersey for additional testing and undergo LASIK surgery.  Unfortunately, this additional testing showed that Elana was not a good LASIK candidate, and the surgery was canceled.  I think I was as disappointed as Elana!

This brings me to an important point:  I truly believe you can tell how good a LASIK surgeon is NOT by the difficult cases he claims to perform, but by those cases he doesn't do.  Most of the complications I see on consultation could have been avoided by never doing the surgery!  The key to excellent results is in preoperative screening and avoiding those patients who are not good candidates for the procedure!


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I agree that proper pre op screening is vital to reducing complications. I wish my Plastic Surgeon would take this advice sometimes!

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