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June 14, 2010

Traumatic Dislocation of LASIK Flaps 4 and 9 Years After Surgery

I have an article published in this month's Journal of Refractive Surgery titled: Traumatic Dislocation of LASIK Flaps 4 and 9 Years After Surgery.  With the help of UMDNJ ophthalmology resident, H. Jane Kim, we published two cases of traumatic flap dislocation following LASIK.  One of the cases occurred 9 years following LASIK, making it the longest reported case medical literature.  In this case the flap dislocated when my patient was struck in his eye with a dog's paw.  After treatment both of my patients vision improved to 20/20.

This article brings up an important point, there is a potential to dislocate the LASIK flap if one is hit at the right angle, years after LASIK surgery.  This is one of the reasons I advocate treating those patients who are involved in activities (boxers, special forces, etc) that may preclude them to get hit in the eye with surface treatments such as LASEK.  This procedure creates no flap, and thus minimizes future risk.


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I am very happy to Know is that you have gotten best result from lasik 6/6 0r 20/20. Do you tell me how to solve flap problems or how to avoid flap problems during lasik surgery.

Patients with a shoulder dislocation are usually in significant pain. They know something is wrong, but may not know they have sustained a shoulder dislocation. Signs of shoulder dislocation include:
Shoulder pain
Arm held at the side, usually slightly away from the body with the forearm turned outward
Loss of the normal rounded contour of the deltoid muscle.
When dealing with injuries caused by accidents, it is impossible to foretell the future. However, the risk of injury can be greatly reduced with proper precautions and safety measures. When playing sports, it is important to use all equipment in the manner of which it was intended. Around the house and at work, the key to safety is awareness.

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