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June 01, 2010

Treating Astigmatism: No Distace Glasses After Cataract Surgery With Toric IOL

Paul Cooper was a nearsighted patient with astigmatism who developed cataracts.  He has spent much of his life dependent on glasses.  After consultation, Mr. Cooper opted to have a toric IOL implanted during his cataract surgery.  This allowed him the best possible spectacle free vision.  One day after the surgery, Mr Cooper is seeing 20/20 and anxiously awaiting surgery on the second eye.

Mr. Cooper was kind enough to share his experience with us at EyeCare 20/20:


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This post is very encouraging, specially for people like me who will undergo cataract surgery
I was a bit scared to pursue my operation due to some negative blogs I've been reading about their cataract surgery experience.
Thanks toy you.

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