4 More Days Until This Year's Vision Harvest Free Cataract Day!
We are coming down to the wire for Vision Harvest 2010 Free cataract surgery Day at River Drive Surgery Center. As of today, 25 patients are scheduled to receive free cataract surgery on this Friday, October 22. Patients have come from as far away as Virginia and up state New York to be evaluated for the Vision Harvest program. We require very little:
- Visually significant cataracts
- No insurance
- Unable to afford to pay for cataract surgery
Patients are not required to be from New Jersey, or to be citizens; we don't ask these questions! What we have found is pretty amazing:
- Many of this year's patients are young with large cataracts
- Many have lost their jobs and the insurance that came with it
- Many are students
- Many have jobs that do not offer insurance
Here is another story of Gary. Gary is working, but does not receive health care benefits...
We continue to hear about health care reform. The recent over haul has done and will continue to address the issues that couple health insurance with employment. If our government is going to require health care coverage for all, it must uncouple employer sponsored health care..
I am very much looking forward to Friday's event. I will be sure to take pictures, videos, and report back to you all next week!
We are currently applying for Tax Exempt status. Anyone interested in making a donation can do so here.
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