Good Guys Wear White Coats (Lab Coats)
I am one of the surgeons featured in an article in this month's issue of Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today! Good Guys Wear White Coats (Lab Coats) talks about "social capatilism." The Premium Practice section editor, and a friend, Shareef Mahdavi describes it best:
There is a change underway in how companies do business. This so-called social capitalism in which social entrepreneurs give back to the community is as essential to the enterprise as the profit motive. TOMS Shoes (; Santa Monica, CA) is a great example, having given away over 1 million pairs of shoes to children around the world as part of its “one for one” program. One pair of shoes is donated for every pair sold (these shoes are very cool looking and comfortable, by the way).
Eye care has long been known for eyeglasses donations and surgical mission trips, and the need for today’s premium practice to have its own version of social entrepreneurship has never been greater. Why? Because today’s consumer is spending money more carefully and paying much more attention to whom they do business with—including their health care providers. Being perceived as “authentic” in the eyes of your patient is the goal, and those practices that take a sincere and serious approach to giving back will be recognized and rewarded by patients. This month, we feature surgeons whose practices are “walking the talk” when it comes to giving back. I trust that they will serve as inspiration for you to get started or do even more to use your skills toward making the world a better place.
The article goes on to describe how several ophthalmologists are giving back. My efforrts with Vision Harvest and Charity:Water are discussed. Hope you enjoy reading it. Here is a PDF of the full article: Download Good Guys Wear White
By the way, I don't wear a white lab coat, never have. I feel it seperates me from my patients. I like to be really comfortable, don't wear a jacket or tie either! I often bike to the office and take a shower, you can usually catch me wearing scrubs!
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