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December 30, 2010

My Top 10 LASIK Blog Posts of 2010


Hard to believe its the end of 2010.  Boy, has this year flown by...  It's time again to list my top 10 blog posts of the year.  Here they are:

  1. One-Sided Reporting:  Diane Sawyer of ABC News Covers LASIK With Bias Reporting.  This was by far my most read blog post of the year.  It was very popular within the ophthalmology community and was discussed in a number of blogs and publications.
  2. Vision Harvest 2010.  This is a series of posts promoting our second annual free cataract surgery initiative.  It was a great success with over 25 people receiving free cataract surgery this year.
  3. Get LASIK and Help Build a Well. The Charity Water Project.  This was our first offer combining charitable giving with a discount for LASIK surgery.  These efforts have been quite successful with over $6,000 going to various charities since July!  We will continue to tie charitable giving with LASIK discount offers in 2011.  Stay tuned!
  4. Avastin vs. Lucentis in Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration  By: Wendy Bedale.  The Avastin:Lucentis controversy has also been a popular topic on my blog.  Wendy Bedale was kind enough to allow me to reprint her excellent paper describing the history of this treatment for macular degeneration.
  5. Traumatic Dislocation of LASIK Flaps 4 and 9 Years After Surgery.  An article that I wrote about a rare late complication of LASIK that was published in the Journal of Refractive Surgery.
  6. LASIK for the Gold.  Our LASIK for the Gold program allowed a number of winter athletes to receive LASIK surgery.  Our athletes won 7 medals in the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver.  Several more will competing in the 2012 Summer Games in London!
  7. An Ode to LASIK.  Another borrowed post from Sonja Johnson, who sings the praises for LASIK.
  8. My Dad Turns 80 and I Find Out His ReSTOR Eyes Are Better Than Mine! An "aha" moment, when I discover my dad sees better without glasses than me..
  9. Video Testimonials.  ANother ongoing category where I interview patients who discuss the results of their various surgical procedures.
  10. 5 Reasons Not to Get LASIK at a Corporate LASIK Center.  This says it all, a case for personalized care..


I hope you all have enjoyed reading this blog.  I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you in 2011.  We at EyeCare 20/20 can only hope that the next year brings everyone much health and happiness.  If there is anything you would like me to discuss, please feel free to drop me a note at [email protected]



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Having read most of these blog posts I can say that it's a great choice for a TOP 10. I've had a LASIK surgery for high myopia myself and I could relate well to posts no 3, 7 and 10!

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