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January 20, 2011

Make a Difference and Save: Go Red and Get LASIK!



Thru the end of February, EyeCare 20/20 has teamed up with the American Heart Association and Go Red For Women on a mission to fight heart disease in women. Donate $50.00 to the EyeCare 20/20's Go Red fundraising page, we'll match it and you'll receive $500.00 off a bi-lateral LASIK surgery.
Go Red For Women has raised more than $200 million to benefit women's cardiovascular health. The American Heart Association uses revenue collected to support awareness, research, education and community programs to benefit women and to motivate them to reduce their risks.

Isn't it time you joined the thousands of people who have fallen in love with LASIK?  People from all facets of life who now share a common thread: Good Vision.




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It is true that many had fallen in-love with what they call technological miracle that Lasik Surgery can do, imagine the thought that the operation can restore your eyesight better than 20/20? This must be something. And many had given in fact bragged their testimonies about their restored eyesight.


Lasik eye surgery promises unparalleled results. If you have troubled vision, talk to your doctor about this new and extremely effective procedure.

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