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February 07, 2011

Wear Red for LASIK a Huge Success!! (Not over yet)

This past Friday was National Wear Red Day.  Each year on the first Friday in February, thousands of hospitals, small businesses,multinational corporations, news broadcasters, schools, individuals and even landmarks “Go Red” to help raise crucial awareness and significant funds in the fight against heart disease in women.  We at EyeCare 20/20 did our part as well.

Heart disease is still the No. 1 killer of women, taking the life of 1 in 3 women each year.  This means women just like you — mothers, sisters, friends — are dying at the rate of one per minute. In fact, in the time it takes to read this, another woman will die from heart disease!

National Wear Red Day's mission to ensure we never have to deny research that could save a woman’s life. Funds are raised for lifesaving educational programs and the development of new treatments to fight heart disease.

To help raise these needed funds, thru the end of February, EyeCare 20/20 has teamed up with the American Heart Association and Go Red For Women on a mission to fight heart disease in women. Donate $50.00 to the EyeCare 20/20's Go Red fundraising page, we'll match it and you'll receive $500.00 off a bi-lateral LASIK surgery.  Its a win, win, win situation!


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